5 “Embarrassing” Health Issues That Are Super Common | Men's Health Magazine Australia

5 “Embarrassing” Health Issues That Are Super Common

Did you know that Australian men are far less likely to go to the GP than women? A study by the University of Sydney concluded that women averaged seven trips a year to the doctor, in comparison to men, who visited just under five times a year. Whatever the reason, be it fear, embarrassment or […]

Did you know that Australian men are far less likely to go to the GP than women? A study by the University of Sydney concluded that women averaged seven trips a year to the doctor, in comparison to men, who visited just under five times a year. Whatever the reason, be it fear, embarrassment or otherwise, a trip to the GP can be daunting, but it is time to get talking about guys’ health issues.

Enter Mosh. Mosh is an online health hub providing men with a confidential platform to connect with a GP and address their “embarrassing” health concerns. After answering a few questions about your health online, you’ll be contacted by a GP who will offer you a personalised treatment plan and, without an in-person consultation, embarrassment can be kept at bay. Here are some of the surprisingly common health issues that a lot of guys are dealing with.

1. Hair Loss

If you’re losing locks faster than you’re growing them, it turns out you’re not alone. At least 20 per cent of men in their 20s experience some form of male-pattern baldness, increasing to 30 per cent of those in their 30s, and by the time you reach your 40s, around 40 per cent of your peers will see significant hair loss. By 50, 85 per cent of men will experience balding.

20 percent of men start losing hair in their 20s


Why does it happen?

The hormone Dihydro-testosterone (DHT) is responsible for your thinning hair. Trichologist Kate Dawes told Men’s Health that “DHT is formed from the conversion of free testosterone found in the blood by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. In the men that are genetically prone, the follicles on top of the head are sensitive to DHT. These follicles start to miniaturise with fewer hairs growing from each follicle and hairs becoming finer as the anlagen stage of the growth cycle shortens. This occurs until the follicle is no longer able to produce hairs.

What to do: There are two ways to treat hair loss, one by stimulating the hair follicles to grow and the other by replacing and camouflaging the hair follicles which can no longer grow.

According to Dermatologist Aimee Paik, “The best time to start treatment is when you first start seeing signs of hair loss, such as your scalp peeking through or your hairline receding.  Medical treatment for hair loss only works in areas where you still have hair.”

2. Premature Ejaculation 

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual problem in men (between 20-30% of men will experience it at some point), but it isn’t something every guy talks about. So how quick is too quick? According to a paper published by The Journal of Sexual Medicine, “acquired premature ejaculation” includes any sexual encounter that lasts less than three minutes (including foreplay).

Why does it happen?

Honestly, there is no definite cause of premature ejaculation. Doctors believe that emotional factors can play a role; for example stress, depression, relationship problems and performance anxiety.

What to do: Chat with a doctor to get to the root of the cause.

3. Erectile Dysfunction

Struggling to get it up, and keep it up? Erectile dysfunction is the elephant in the bedroom, with 1 in 5 men over the age of 40 reporting having an erection problem and one in ten not being able to have an erection at all.

Erectile dysfunction is a common issue


Why does it happen?

As you age, the muscle tone in your penis reduces which means that erectile problems increase. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by more than physical issues. Some of the most common factors include a poor diet, an unhealthy lifestyle, anxiety, stress, alcohol, smoking, prescription medication and thyroid complaints. Good news is, erectile dysfunction is treatable at any age, so hop to it.

What to do: Hit the gym. Forty-five minutes of exercise, four times a week, is likely to improve erectile function. Also, speak to a doctor about a possible treatment plan.

4. Adult Acne

Out of your teens but still not over acne? Squeezing won’t save you; it turns out the answer starts from the inside out. Adult acne can be caused firstly by the skin type you’re born with – sadly there’s no changing that – and secondly, is often the accumulation of lots of small lifestyle habits, which are somewhat easier to change.

Adult acne is more common than you think


Why does it happen?

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and requires a lot of TLC, yet we often take it for granted. Firstly, hydration is key, so start guzzling H20 and slash your caffeine and alcohol intake. Internal factors also play a major role: think stress, illness and overall health. As far as skin-deep causes go? Make sure you’re showering after the gym and washing your face each morning and before bed to get rid of built-up dirt, germs and grime.

What to do: Maintaining good overall hygiene, health and wellbeing is your answer. If you’re still not having any luck chat to your GP.

5. Herpes

Did you know that as many as 1 in 8 sexually active Australian adults has genital herpes? Higher than you thought, right? So you need to be extra careful as it is easily transmitted and something you’ll live with for life.

Why does it happen?

Herpes is transferred via skin-to-skin contact, most commonly when there are blisters and sores, but it can also be transferred when there are no sores. There are two types of the herpes virus: HSV1 commonly causes cold sores on the lips or face and HSV2 causes most genital herpes. After your first episode it will stay dormant in your body for the rest of your life.

What to do: There is no cure for herpes but a doctor will be able to help you with some management techniques.

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