Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard put himself through eight months of gruelling training and dieting to get in shape for The Legend of Tarzan. The results speak for themselves . . .
Split into two phases, his training progressed from a three month bulking period into a five-month shredding regimen. If you’re looking to pack on slabs of lean muscle while maintaining a rock-hard core then you’ll want to take-on this Tarzan workout.
Become the king of the jungle and win over Jane with this four-day routine with accompanying movement and core exercises to spread across the week.
Day 1
Squats: 4 x Pyramid (12,8,6,10)
Deadlifts: 4 x 8-10
Leg Press: 3 x 12
Skater Jumps (leap laterally from leg to leg): 3 x 30
Frog Jumps (drop into a deep squat then leaping as far forward as possible): 3 x 10
Day 2
Bench Press: 4 x Pyramid (12,8,6,10)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 x 10
Cable Cross Flys: 3 x 10
Sitting Shoulder Press: 3 x 10
Burpees (throw in a push-up with each burpee for an added burn): 3 x Max
Day 3
Chin-Ups: 4 x Max
Seated Row: 4 x 10
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Row: 3 x 20
Cable Wood Chop: 4 x 10
Cable Face Pulls: 4 x 15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 4 x 15
Day 4
Biceps Alternate Dumbbell Curls: 4 x 16
Biceps EZ Curls: 4 x 10
Seated Triceps Extension: 4 x 10
Cable Skullcrushers: 4 x 10
Superset Biceps Cable Curl 3 x 10 and Triceps Cable Push Down 3 x 10
Alternate 1: Static core and straight abs exercises, like planks, mountain climbers and leg raises.
Alternate 2: Obliques and rotation exercises, like cable wood chops, Russian twists and side planks
Obstacle course: 5 x 3min bear crawls, frog jumps, chin-ups, hand walking and movement drills.
Speed training: 10min short sprints.
Read more from Magnus on Magnusmethod.com and follow him on Instagram @magnusmethod.