Steer your own adventure: How Cars4Us delivers Top-Tier rides for the Modern Man’s Lifestyle
How Cars4Us Delivers Top-Tier Rides for the Modern Man’s Lifestyle
Not every “transformation” is about the looks, and fitness is about more than how it looks, as Instagram fitness star Anna Victoria, best known for her 12-week FIT Body Guides, made clear in a “transformation” photo she posted on Instagram yesterday. An article published in Daily Mail outlined the Instagram star’s fitness journey and her body-positive message, which insists that her transformation was more about how she felt on the inside than how she looked on the outside.
The side-by-side Anna Victoria posted is a recent photo of herself and a photo of herself five years ago, when she first began her fitness journey. In the post, she emphasised that she was not focused on how she looked, but on how differently she felt about herself. “While I’m happy with the physical changes I’ve worked so hard for, they don’t compare to the non-physical changes that aren’t visible to the naked eye,” wrote the fitness guru in her recent post. “There’s always room for physical improvement and there’s always someone who looks better than you, and those two facts can be freaking exhausting if it’s all you’re concerned with.”
Anna Victoria is a stand-out in a heavily saturated world of Instagram fitness stars because of how real she is with her followers. She is known for posting photos of how cellulite can appear or disappear depending on the lighting and for strongly supporting cheat meals and not depriving oneself of the things you love, which is refreshing. She’s also very real in this most recent post with her personal transformation. “My transformation didn’t take 5 years, it took about 9 months. I do set goals and push myself, but I’ve always been overly conscious of maintaining balance and never letting fitness take over my life.”
Check out some more inspiring photos and insights from her fitness journey below.
This article originally appeared on Men’s Health
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