Seasoning Brussel Sprouts: Best Ways For Muscle Gain | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Brussels Sprouts Found To Boost Cell Growth In Muscles

Love them or loathe them, the small but mighty sprout is an impressive source of fibre, folate, potassium and vitamin C. More impressively, scientists have linked eating brassica vegetables rich in glucosinolates – such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts – to pumped up muscle gain.

Italian researchers found eating these under appreciated vegetables can stimulate the development of stem cells in your muscles, helping them to repair and grow. What that means is you can fuel extra muscle gain this summer by pairing your chicken with more than just another handful of spinach. The chemical compound sulforaphane in sprouts also reduces cell death, which is crucial to sustaining muscle mass and facilitating fast recovery after a heavy session. A tasty bit of nutritional science, we’re sure you’ll agree.

And sprouts needn’t resemble the soggy morsels that used to contaminate your grandmother’s roasts, either. When cooking them, simply swap the saucepan for the roasting tin. Not only does boiling turn them into mush, you’ll also end up pouring much of their goodness down the plughole with the water. Coat them in a little oil and season, before roasting at home until golden and crispy with a few bacon rashers. The distinctly sprouty odour you will leave in the office kitchen is sadly unavoidable, so the least you can do is make it taste good.


Research has found black pepper stimulates gastric acid secretion, helping to enhance your digestion of protein. 


Garlic improves blood flow to your muscles by increasing your hydrogen sulfide levels. 


Sprinkle with cayenne pepper before roasting to fire up your metabolism, torch fat and reduce your odds of the flu.