Chris Hemsworth's First Job Was Cleaning Out Breast Pumps | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Chris Hemsworth’s First Job Was Cleaning Out Breast Pumps

Well, we all start somewhere.

Long before Chris Hemsworth was starring in Men in Black and the Marvel movies, the Australian actor was working a frankly bizarre first job: cleaning and repairing used breast pumps.

Don’t believe it? Jimmy Fallon and Kumail Nanjiani didn’t either—but it’s for real! In a “True Confessions” segment on The Tonight Show, Fallon and Nanjiani were given 45 seconds to determine whether the following confession from Hemsworth was true or false:

“My first job was cleaning out breast pumps.”

As Nanjiani and Fallon interrogated Hemsworth, the Thor actor provided more details on the alleged job: He was 14 at the time, and the job didn’t just entail cleaning them—”It was repairing them as well, occasionally,” he said.

“Pharmacies would rent them out and they’d … come back covered in dry milk, so I’d have a toothbrush and I’d clean the dry milk.”

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When the 45 seconds were up, Fallon and Nanjiani guessed that it was false.

“It was the truth,” Hemsworth revealed.

Hemsworth explained that he did, indeed, clean breast pumps at the tender age of 14.

“I literally worked for a pharmacy,” he said. “They would rent them out, the machines would come back, and I would have a toothbrush, a little spray and wipe…” Then he made a “washing-dried-milk-off-breast-pump” sound effect.

Nanjiani asked if the women who used the breast pumps know about their link to the God of Thunder, and whether the old machines are now available on eBay. (Er, nope. Sorry, diehard Hemsworth fans.)

This article originally appeared on Men’s Health