Fashion's Latest Icon: Peter Griffin | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Fashion’s Latest Icon: Peter Griffin

The world of fashion has reached glorious new heights, with unlikely model Peter Griffin, of Family Guy fame, the latest to dip his toe into the lucrative industry.

With a timely launch on the first day of Summer, iconic Aussie brand Budgy Smuggler has teamed up with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment to create an exclusive Family Guy print. The collaboration marks the release of Family Guy’s Season 17 on Blue-ray and DVD.

Inspired by Peter Griffin’s dad-bod rig, the new print is truly a unique creation celebrating all things Christmas. “We recently launched a campaign promoting a ‘more realistic’ body image for men in Australia called ‘The Search for Australia’s Most Ordinary Rig’. If Peter Griffin were Australian he’d have automatic qualification, having the ultimate dad- bod!” said Jarrod Allen, Head of Development & Research for Budgy Smuggler.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment / Budgy Smuggler

MH were lucky enough to sit down with the big man himself, Peter Griffin, for a quick Q&A on the inspiration behind his latest venture.

What does Lois think of your beach budgy smuggler look?

Not a fan. She likes to see as little of my body as possible.  It’s only lights-off, T-shirt sex for us.


How do you get your beach body ready?

Getting my beach body ready is easy.  All I need is a few push-ups here, a couple sit-ups there, and a 4-XL T-shirt to hide it all before I step outside.

Would you do the Bondi to Bronte coastal walk in your smugglers?

I’d do the Bondi to Bronte walk if you dangled a carrot on a stick behind me.  Yes, behind me.  I hate vegetables and will instinctively run away from them.

Do you wear your budgy smugglers for speed, style or comfort?

I guess speed.  It’s pretty easy to pull ’em to the side to take water-up-to-your-chest ocean-whizzes.

Have you seen the photo of our ex-prime minister Tony Abbott rocking the smugglers?

I can very clearly see the outline of why you voted for him. 

How can Aussies get their hands on your new design?

The only way you can get your hands on these is to win themHead to the Fox Home Entertainment – Access All Areas Facebook page or the Budgy Smuggler Facebook page for your chance to win.

Related: The 10 Best Boardshorts For The Beach

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