We’re going to file this one under ‘good news that you deserve’. Thanks to extensive research from the dedicated scientists at the University of Exeter, we are now armed with the incredible knowledge that more sex will mean a larger penis.
What’s that you say? Too good to be true? Well, yes. There is a catch. Researchers in the study did confirm that more sex increases penis size, however not yours, but your children. Having more sex alters your DNA and gifts your descendants with the physical traits to meet the demands of your lifestyle. Which in this case is a a larger penis.
Dr Paul Hopwood from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation explains, “Our results show that sexual conflict over mating can lead to co-evolutionary changes in the shape of the genitals. Our research demonstrates the general importance of conflicts of interest between males and females in helping to generate some of the biodiversity that we see in the natural world.”
If this all sounds like talk that should be applied to a David Attenborough commentary, then that’s probably because it is. The scientists haven’t conducted this research on humans, but on beetles. However, the results can also be applied to human’s according to Hopwood and his team.
The study monitored the beetles for ten generations, and found that those beetles that had sex more frequently had ancestors with noticeably larger equipment downstairs. Too bad for the beetles actually having sex, but we can be sure that if their descendants knew what they’d done for them, they’d be thankful.
So there you have it, according to science having more sex is a selfless act that is going to benefit generations to come. Better get to it!
Related: Science Reveals The Average Penis Size. How Do You Stack Up?