How To Be Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking | Men's Health Magazine Australia

How To Be Really, Really, Ridiculously Good Looking

My bathroom routine is . . .

Low maintenance. I’m usually up, showered and out the door in 20 minutes. SK-II’s cleanser (Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser; $90/120g) and toner (Facial Treatment Clear Lotion; $85/150ml) are very good. But I don’t use them religiously – mostly it’s just a quick wash with water then moisturiser. No facemasks or anything!

My grooming hack is . . .

Getting a good haircut. It’s the best thing a guy can do, then you don’t need much styling. I have thick, curly hair so it needs to be tamed, but a little bit of Aveda clay (Aveda Men Pure-Formance Grooming Clay; $39.95/75ml) does the trick.

I spray my fragrance . . .

On my neck, but some on my clothes as well – it’s the same idea as if you love the smell of your girlfriend’s perfume on your pillow. I use Dolce & Gabbana Swimming in Lipari.

My fitness regimen is . . .

Five days a week if I’m training for a big shoot. I’ll be trying to lose excess fat, so I up the intensity with lots of circuits and supersets. Otherwise I work out four days a week. They’re not long sessions – 45 minutes to an hour at most – but I include things like Spider-man press-ups, pull-ups and burpees. Plus I do heavy weights sessions for chest, arms and back. I launched a fitness app in 2012 – it’s nothing too advanced, but I’ve learnt the harder you work out, the more sweat and tears you put into it, the better the results.

The formula for photoshoot-ready abs is . . .

A long-term plan. But there are a few cheats. It’s not particularly healthy, but if you dehydrate yourself for a day it really does make a difference. And then just a few exercises before shooting – press-ups, clap press-ups and yoga stretches all create definition.

My nutrition regimen is . . .

Pretty healthy. I probably eat more than anyone else I know, but I stay away from saturated fats and processed carbs – anything white or in a packet. Organic and natural is a much better alternative. And lots of protein. If you’re spending time at the gym and don’t have protein then you are denying yourself one of the elements that you need to build muscle and tone up. I believe in everything in moderation. I’m a British guy, so I like my booze and I don’t shy away from ice-cream, but it’s about mathematics – whatever you eat you work off.

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