Man Injects Stem Cells Into His Penis To Make It Bigger | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Man Injects Stem Cells Directly Into His Penis To Make It Bigger

US fitness expert Ben Greenfield has given a little prick to his, err, little prick in the hopes of using stem cells to increase its size. Clearly not satisfied with the pills, implants and other quick fixes out there, the human experiment has reportedly taken it upon himself to conduct the research.

Greenfield is somewhat of a fitness influencer and a self described ‘biohacker’, with over 150,000 dedicated followers across his social media channels, and has always sought to push the boundaries when if comes to experimental techniques for bettering his body. When speaking to website Gizmodo, Greenfield outlined his desire for a bigger penis, and the lengths he went to in order to conduct this experiment.

“I wanted to go from good to great, and to get a bigger dick,” he told Gizmodo. “I’m not going to lie, that’s why guys without erectile dysfunction would do this.”

“The point I want to make, not only with [the penis] experiment but with everything I do, is that I am constantly exploring cutting-edge, high-tech health solutions to optimize my body, mind and spirit,” he elaborated on a recent Facebook post.

Greenfield had US Stem Cell take body fat cells and isolated the stem cells, ready for injection. The resulting stem cells were then injected into his shaft.

Stem cells have been effectively used to treat erectile dysfunction in men, however their effects on size, length and girth have never been tested, until now.

So, after all of the effort, did it work?

“I haven’t taken out a ruler… [but] when inside of my wife, she can tell” he said. Greenfield went on to explain that he was “noticeably better hung.”

While the procedure is relatively low risk, it’s still not approved, and the benefits when it comes to enhancing penis size are not verified.