We all have our own way of going about things when we wake up in the morning. But having a routine is what gives us feelings of happiness, security, comfort all while setting your day up the way you want it.
So what are the non-negotiables that always happen from the moment you open your eyes? After sitting down with Osher for his podcast last week, I learnt a thing or two about his morning routine.
“My morning routine is like an aircraft’s start up sequence. I try to never attempt to take off into my day if I’ve not completed it,” he explains. “When I try to go about my day without my morning routine, things inevitably fail.”
The former Men’s Health cover star relies on the early hours of the day to set himself up for what’s to come.
“It keeps me on point, keeps me focused, keeps my action deliberate and has given me outcomes far beyond what I’d have achieved if I just woke up and reacted to life. The following is completed within the first two hours of waking. If I need to set an alarm extra early so I can complete it before I leave the house – then that’s what happens,” he says.
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Here’s exactly what Osher does every AM.
Make an emotional connection, not a technological one
“On waking – I touch my wife before I touch my phone. (I’m) present to the feel and smell of her skin. The gentle sound of her breath. Use those tactile sensory inputs to begin to transition out of sleep into consciousness. I sometimes wake with anxiety – and this helps me enormously, reminding me that no matter what I’m worried about – right now this beautiful and kind woman whom I love so much is here with me in this room and at this exact moment – everything is ok, so it’s impossible for everything to be awful no matter what my brain tells me,” Osher says.
Get some caffeine into the system
“(I) walk to the kitchen and flick on the coffee machine. (My) coffee? A double espresso.”
Stretch it out and breath it in
“While it warms up I perform some simple yoga movements to get the blood flowing – ten breaths downward dog, ten breaths upward dog, thread the needle a few times a side, and sitting in a full squat for about a minute while reaching one hand at a time over my head.”
RELATED: The Workout Behind Osher Günsberg’s Transformation
See Osher’s transformation for yourself below…