In 2015, action hero Sylvester Stallone revived his classic Rocky film franchise with the movie Creed, starring Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Johnson, the son of Rocky’s former rival Apollo Creed, who was slain in the series’ fourth instalment. Creed now has a sequel on the way, which Stallone revealed will start shooting in 2018.
“Getting stronger !!!” Stallone wrote in the Instagram caption of a photo of him and Jordan. “2018 #Creed 2 #mgm #fitness #Rocky.”
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So, it appears that the movie will start production in 2018. Hopefully, the film itself will be just around the corner from that. Though additional details about the film are still scarce, Stallone has more or less confirmed that a familiar face from the original franchise is making a comeback in this next movie: Yes, Dolph Lundgren will return as Ivan Drago, the Russian boxer responsible for killing Apollo Creed. We’ve got goosebumps just thinking about what’s in store when Adonis will presumably meet his father’s maker.
The first Creed film was well-received by critics; let’s hope the follow-up can maintain the momentum. Until then, read up on the insane diet that Stallone followed to sculpt his body for the original Rocky movie, and pray that Jordan has a better nutritionist on-hand.
This article originally appeared on Men’s Health