Sex Archives - Men's Health Magazine Australia

8 Women Who’ve Tried Anal Sex Describe What It’s Actually Like

8 Women Who’ve Tried Anal Sex Describe What It’s Actually Like

8 Women Who’ve Tried Anal Sex Describe What It’s Actually Like

For some women out there, anal action is the cherry on top of the sex version of an ice cream sundae. Just a little extra delight that completes something that was already delicious on its own. But for others, it's more like pâté. intriguing enough, worth a try, but...

Love at first sight is a total myth

Love at first sight is a total myth

LOVE AT FIRST sight is an idea that is straight out of a rom-com – magical, instantaneous, and perfect. I'm talking full-frontal fantasy. Orgasmic bliss in an instant. And it sounds like everything most of us want when it comes to the scary stuff, like dating, love,...

How to beat performance anxiety in the bedroom

How to beat performance anxiety in the bedroom

EVER FELT YOUR confidence slip away just when it matters most? Performance anxiety in the bedroom is more common than you thin – and it can happen to anyone. You might worry about lasting longer, keeping an erection, or whether you’re meeting your partner’s...

The foreskin problem that’s more common than you think

The foreskin problem that’s more common than you think

SOMETIMES IT CAN be confusing figuring out what’s normal anatomy and what are issues that might need medical attention. But if you have a foreskin and you can’t pull it back over the head of your penis you might be dealing with phimosis, and that falls into the latter...

Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy

Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy

BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
