You meet someone great and the sparks are there. It’s exciting – finally someone you click with and she’s vibing it just as much as you are. But as weeks pass, she pulls away, treating you more like a friend than a potential partner. So where did it all go wrong? Well, women are now sharing what made them immediately lose romantic interest, courtesy of Reddit.
“When you come to them with a problem and they turn it into a conversation about them.” – @ Wikrin
“If they constantly make you feel bad for them. Felt so bad and was so worried about him for so long that the one time I needed the emotion I couldn’t have it.” -@ avalrose
“When they start to pull you away from the rest of your friends in order to get their attention or those who refuse to acknowledge when I feel uncomfortable and guilt trip me into doing things I don’t want to do.” – @ gnitesserie
“Went out with a guy once who talked 90 per cent of the time, 85 per cent of that being about how much money he had made, how much he spent on his now ex wife, all the nice cars he had… I picked HIM up because he didn’t have a ride to meet up. He was legitimately confused why I didn’t want to spend the night with him when I went to drop his ass off. Never saw him ever again.” – @ karona93
“Rudeness and chewing with their mouth open. I don’t need to see your tonsils while I’m eating it’s just rank.” – @ AquaNautautical
“Bad dental hygiene, and little to no effort when having sex. If you have sex like a dead fish I’m not interested lol.” – @ riggeredguy214
“Most recently had a guy ‘joke’ about me being his sugar mama and cooking and cleaning for me if I let him crash on my couch for free. Dried me up real quick.” – @HersheysWellmade
“When they start constantly phishing for compliments or constant attention seeking, or treating you like their personal therapist.” – @ anichica2001
“Spitting on the ground. If it’s an emergency, like swallowing a bug, I get it. Just randomly spitting on the ground? Gross. Major turn off for me.” – @unbilledsplash93