7 Oral Sex Moves That Will Blow Her Mind | Men's Health Magazine Australia

7 Oral Sex Moves That Will Blow Her Mind

What’s not awesome about getting oral sex? All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. But while taking a totally hands-off approach can be blissful, it never hurts to give back and know what she likes (or wants you to try).

“Oral sex is hot sex—and great oral can take your sex life to the next level,” says Jessica O’Reilly, host of the @SexWithDrJess Podcast.

And, of course, it increases the odds she’ll orgasm and return the favour— clearly a big perk, says Rachel Needle, a sex therapist and licensed psychologist.

Add these new moves to your repertoire to dial her experience up a notch.


Teasing can be hot AF, which is why Needle recommends provoking your partner. “A lick here and a lick there, starting slowly and building intensity, can create anticipation, excitement, and increased pleasure,” she says.


Have her vulva from the side and squeeze the inner lips between their lips, O’Reilly advises. While you’re doing this, run your tongue between the groove you’ve created while sucking on the area.


The goal with this one is to make your fingers feel like another tongue. Blindfold your partner and get your fingers soaking wet with lube, O’Reilly says. Then, “lick” around your thighs, mons pubis (the fleshy tissue above her vulva), and outer labia with your fingers.

Move on to stroke her inner labia gently in an up and down motion with your wet fingers, using your real tongue in the mix, too. You can also use a flat, wet palm to stroke up and down over her vulva as you let out a heavy breath over her clitoris.


Place your palm flat against her mons pubis and bend your fingers down to press against the full width and length of her vulva, O’Reilly says. You can then slowly slide your fingers up and down while maintaining pressure against the vulva and clitoris. You can also get some tongue action into the mix: Slip your tongue between the grooves of your fingers to tease her labia while your fingers go up and down.


Suck on her clitoris instead of just licking it. “Sucking allows for more deep pressure,” says Debra Laino, a sex therapist and clinical sexologist. She recommends having starting out gently and then increase the sucking pressure as she gets aroused.


Dopamine levels are higher during the anticipation of pleasure than when you actually receive pleasure, O’Reilly says—that’s why she loves this move. It’s super simple: Breathe kisses all over her sensitive areas down there—her inner thighs, labia, etc. The goal is to hover your lips as close to the surface of your skin without actually touching it.


The nose’s cartilage can actually do a lot for a vagina, which is why O’Reilly recommends having rocking your head back and forth, and up and down around herr vulva. If you make some noise while you’re down there, even better—the vibrations can feel amazing, she says.


This article originally appeared on Women’s Health.

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