If you always thought there were only two kinds of boobs—big or small—your mind is about to be blown. According to bra company ThirdLove, women have one of seven different sets of headlights.
“During our product design process, we discovered that getting a great fit was about identifying the style that best suits your natural shape,” says Ra’el Cohen, vice president of design and product development at ThirdLove.
Asymmetric: One breast is larger than the other; ranges from minor (barely noticeable) to more pronounced (as pictured).
Bell Shape: Generally heavier breasts; narrower at the top, then drastically fuller toward the bottom.
East West: A gentle slope from top to bottom, but out to the sides; nipples point in opposite directions.
Side Set: A wide space in between the two breasts; nipples point a little more forward than East West.
Slender: A little wider at the top, narrower at the bottom; generally skinny without a lot of breast tissue.
Tear Drop: Similar to Bell Shape but with a much gentler slope; easily identifiable from the side.
Round: Equally full on top and bottom; often surgically enhanced, but not always.