Are you on the hunt for wider, stronger shoulders? Of course you are, it’s why you’ve journeyed to this corner of the web, and you’ve come to the right place.
Strong shoulders are not only functionally beneficial to a wide range of upper-body movements, but they also hold the secret to a greater sex life… even more reason to hit the weights. Whilst you might think it’s the width of your girth, science tells us it’s actually the width of our shoulders – apparently broad shoulders can make a woman orgasm more often and be more sexually satisfied.
Researchers from the University of Albany questioned young women in heterosexual relationships on the intensity and frequency of their orgasms and in the study, the authors found that whilst self-confidence, humour and income strongly affected orgasms, the largest turn on was having wide shoulders.
So when it comes to building shoulder mass, what’s the best way to go about it? “When it comes to targeting the delts, one of my favourite exercises is the Leaning Lateral Raise,” says MH Fitness Director, Chief Brabon. “The benefit of this particular position is that it puts the delt under tension for a greater percentage of the range of motion, and also creates an increased level of overload at the top of the movement. This all adds up to a greater benefit from each rep.”
Incorporate the sleeve busting move into your next session, or follow Brabon’s prescription below. But beware, you’ll be squeezing through doorways in no time.
3 Rounds
12 x Single Arm DB Arnold Press (Left)
12 x Single Arm DB Arnold Press (Right)
Squat Jumps x 20sec
10 seconds rest
3 Rounds
12 x Single Arm DB Upright Row (L)
12 x Single Arm DB Upright Row (R)
Switch Lunges x 20sec
10 seconds rest
3 Rounds
12 x Single Arm DB Front Raise (L)
12 x Single Arm DB Front Raise (R)
High Knee Sprints x 20sec
10 seconds rest
3 Rounds
12 x Single Arm DB Leaning Lat Raise (L)
12 x Single Arm DB Leaning Lat Raise (R)
Tuck Jumps x 20sec
10 seconds rest