You’ll Have to Squat For This Many Minutes to Burn Off One Chocolate Bar | Men's Health Magazine Australia

You’ll Have to Squat For This Many Minutes to Burn Off One Chocolate Bar

This time of year, avoiding Halloween candy is borderline impossible. If you haven’t already bought a 2-for-1 variety pack at your grocery store, you’ll surely raid the leftovers that your neighbourhood trick-or-treaters didn’t snag.   A couple mini candy bars here and there won’t hurt. In fact, research suggests the “off-limits” mindset can lead to […]

This time of year, avoiding Halloween candy is borderline impossible. If you haven’t already bought a 2-for-1 variety pack at your grocery store, you’ll surely raid the leftovers that your neighbourhood trick-or-treaters didn’t snag.


A couple mini candy bars here and there won’t hurt. In fact, research suggests the “off-limits” mindset can lead to weight gain, so feel free to indulge a little bit.


Just remember this rule of thumb when your sweet tooth won’t quit: make sure junk food only makes up 10 to 20 per cent of your daily kilojoules, suggests Men’s Health nutrition advisor Alan Aragon.


(For the average 40-year-old active guy, that means 1,100 to 2,300 calories a day can come from whatever you want.)

Otherwise, if you binge a bag of Starburst, you’ll have to pay for the crime – in the form of burpees.


In this video, you’ll see that burning off just one serving of your favorite candy could require up to an extra half an hour of exercise.


So you decide: Snickers or squats?