Cara Delevigne Opens Up About Her Sex Life And What She Likes To "Give" | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Cara Delevingne Opens Up About Her Sex Life And What She Likes To “Give”

For years Cara Delevingne has been at the top of our Hollywood crush list. And now, in an extremely candid interview on the podcast RuPaul: What’s The Tee with Michelle Visage, the 26-year-old opens up about her sexual history and ‘giving orgasms’. 

The Valerian star, who is openly bisexual, admits that she’s always had a strong connection with people. And her intrigue of others has led to her being adventurous both in and out of the bedroom. 

“I love people. If I didn’t do acting or music or modelling, I wanted to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist or do anthropology, like I love people, and part of sex is connection,” says Delevingne. 

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“It’s feral. You meet someone and you can- when they go in the bedroom, it’s another animal. To me, that is so interesting, ’cause there are certain people who are super sexy and they flirt with you but then you have sex with them and they’re terrible. I like people who are really prudish because once they get in the bedroom, they’re like, what? And it’s like a hot transformation.

“And to be honest, I like, as a person, generally, I’m really good at giving love and not receiving it, and I’m kind of the same in bed as well,” the model and actress continued.

“There’s a part of it where I find it quite difficult to receive pleasure or love, things like that, and so I just kinda like to give.”

Valerian Cara Delevingne


During the chat, Delevingne also didn’t shy away from crucial details: she lost her virginity at age 18 while noting that giving a lover an orgasm was the best “gift” she could give. 

“I’d rather have sex than go out now,” she explains. 

“I’d rather sit at home and play like, Charades with my friends.”

In the podcast, Delevingne too describes the first moments she figured out her sexuality.

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“I have sisters, but I spent a lot of time alone, and films and fantasy and books were so incredible to me. I learnt so many lessons from that—from like, Disney and that kind of fairy tale thing,” she mentions.

“That was part of the thing that I never really wanted to accept my sexuality, because I was like, Disney princesses all love men. That’s the way it is and I’m not gonna be a princess if I don’t.”

The Suicide Squad actress finished off by suggesting there’s also a bit of 50 Shades of Grey about her: “I’m always very submissive with men. Always. But with women, I’m the opposite. So it’s weird.”