The Grueling Workout Chris Pratt Uses To Get In Top Shape | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Here’s The Grueling Workout Chris Pratt Uses To Get In Avenger Shape

Chris Pratt is probably the most relatable of all Hollywood action heroes, being brutally honest about his struggles to maintain the ripped physique required for most of his roles. Whether he’s guarding the galaxy, wrangling dinosaurs or wooing Jennifer Laurence, it seems his days as hefty Andy from Parks and Recreation are well behind him.

Pratt has previously shared hilarious social media videos about his dieting efforts in his viral #whatsmysnack posts, and this weekend he shared a crushing hill sprint workout on his Instagram stories. In the posts, Pratt proves why he’s so relatable, starting the story off by hiding from his trainer, before taking to the streets of LA for some hill sprints.

According to, Pratt is right on the money if he wants to build strength and improve his physique. Hill sprints are reportedly one of the most effective ways of getting strong, fast and lean, which would certainly explain why Pratt is one our generation’s go-to leading men.

Follow Pratt’s lead, find a hill, and pound the pavement with his simple workout below:

Chris Pratt Hill Sprint Workout

3 mile trail run warm up (almost 5km)
3 x 120 yard hill sprints (110 metres)

Hit the couch for recovery.





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