Did She Add This To Her Last Text? You May Be In Luck | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Did She Add This To Her Last Text? You May Be In Luck

They’ve revolutionised the way we communicate – and now they may revolutionise the way we fornicate.

According to a study from match.com, people who frequently use emojis in text or online messages spend more time thinking about getting down and dirty than those who stick to plain old words.

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The study of 5600 participants between the ages of 18 and 70 found that 38 per cent of people who think about sex multiple times a day use more than one emoji in every text they send.

In contrast, those who saw themselves as only mildly sex-crazed used emoji “every so often”, while straight-laced daters who thought about sex only once a month reported using emojis the least.

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