These Are The Fittest States In Australia | Men's Health Magazine Australia

New South Wales Crowned Fittest State In Australia… Just

Sure, you may not be able to boast the title of The Fittest Person In The Country but if it’s any consolation, you might certainly be part of the fittest state in the nation. 

According to the MINDBODY 2020 Wellness Indexresearch ranking the nation’s fitness and health New South Wales has pipped the other states to be crowned fittest state down under. But only just. 

While NSW took the top spot, our southern neighbour weren’t far behind: 70 per cent of Victorians took part in moderate or high intensity exercise at least once a week. That compares to 71 per cent of New South Welshmen. 

Meanwhile, Queenslanders didn’t fare so well: only 60 per cent trained vigorously at least once a week. 

“When it comes to prioritising fitness, Australia stacks up well with two in three (67%) engaging in moderate or high intensity exercise at least once a week. Almost a million Aussies (approximately 940,000) are doing moderate to high intensity exercise every day of the week. However, 10% of the population don’t exercise at all,” the report writes.

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The findings also investigated the motivation behind pounding the pavement and shifting tin: more than one third of Aussies did it for weight control (36 per cent), 34 per cent to improve their mental wellbeing while less than a third to get ripped (32 per cent). 

Less than half of males were satisfied with their overall fitness levels but that still towers over females where just 29 per cent are content with their current ability. 

“Across the board, there’s a distinct correlation between frequency of exercise and improved happiness and health levels within Australians,” the report continues.

“Those who exercise five times a week report a much better way of life, compared to those who exercise once or less a week, noting improved happiness levels, quality sleep and healthier eating habits.”

This year, efficiency seems to be the big trend when it comes to sneaking in exercise. We can expect to turn to lunchtime workouts and morning sweat sessions as our main sources of physical activity. 

“In line with scientific backing, lunchtime workouts and morning gym sessions are proving effective in helping workers to achieve optimal productivity, as almost two thirds (63%) claim they feel more productive after attending a fitness session before or during their work day.”

But is it time on the treadmill or picking up plates that will see us hit our fitness goals? Neither. Circuit style workouts will continue to be popular – 45 per cent of fit people are choosing this method of exercise. Only 30 per cent are keen on heavy lifting. 

Want to make 2020 your year of health? Head here to see all the latest workouts that help you achieve your fitness goals. 

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