The First 5 Things Nutritionists Will Tell You To Cut From Your Diet If You Want To Lose Weight | Men's Health Magazine Australia

The First 5 Things Nutritionists Will Tell You To Cut From Your Diet If You Want To Lose Weight

We can all agree that restrictive diets are a total drag. Plus, they’ve been proven to be detrimental to our health in the long run. For our sanity, it’s important to enjoy what we eat, and registered dieticians insist that most foods are fine in moderation. That said, “there are some foods, which provide minimal nutritional benefits, that we should limit or avoid,” says Dr Vandana Sheth, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 


So how can you begin phasing them out? Dr Angela Ginn-Meadow, also a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that it’s a gradual process: Start by eating these foods less often, then cut down the portion size when you do eat it. Finally, sub in a healthier option. 


The bottom line is that healthy eating is about being mindful and aware of what you’re consuming. Here, registered dieticians share the five foods you should totally nix from your diet. Trust us, your body won’t miss them.


“Beverages with added sugar are one of the easiest things we can cut from our diets,” says Ginn-Meadow. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than six teaspoons (about 24 grams) of sugar a day, and men no more than nine teaspoons. To give some perspective, one 20-ounce lemon-lime soda has a whopping 77 grams of sugar – more than triple the recommended daily amount. Sheth adds that coffee drinks can also be total sugar bombs that add up quickly. Before you know it, you may consume 400 to 900 calories and 10 to 15 teaspoons of sugar from that white chocolate mocha.


Here’s another place to slash added sugar. According to Sheth, sweet cereals and flavoured instant oatmeal are packed with sugars and refined grains, which contain minimal fibre. Instead, enjoy whole-grain cereal or old-fashioned oats with fresh fruit.

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You may want to think twice about bringing home that bacon. According to a 2010 Harvard University study, processed meats including bacon, ham, and hot dogs have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease by 42 per cent and the risk of diabetes by 19 per cent. Additionally, research has linked sodium nitrate – a preservative found in these foods – to cancer.


No idea what that ingredient list says? “Put it back on the shelf,” says Ginn-Meadow. And especially be on the lookout for artificial colouring and added preservatives, which don’t add any nutritional value. Plus, research has shown that some food dyes are toxic, which ups the risk of various health concerns. Best to steer clear.


“Trans fat increases your overall cholesterol, lowers your ‘good cholesterol,’ and raises your ‘bad cholesterol,'” says Ginn-Meadow. In short, according to research by McMaster University, trans fat has been linked to a greater risk of “early death and heart disease.” Foods that contain trans fat include shortening, prepackaged biscuits, store-bought pie crusts and cookies, and packaged frozen meals. 

This article was written by Maggie Finn Ryan and provided by our partners at Bicycling.

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