How Much Sex Are People REALLY Having? (Hint: It’s Less Than You Think) | Men's Health Magazine Australia

How Much Sex Are People REALLY Having? (Hint: It’s Less Than You Think)

A recent survey conducted by Superdrug’s Online Doctor, questioning over 1500 people across Europe and the US, has revealed just how often people are having sex – and the results may surprise you.


Online Doctor

Naturally, married couples and those in relationships were having the most frequent sex – but that still only amounted to once a week on average.

Divorcees fared the worst, with a terrifying average of three years between drinks. 

Meanwhile, there’s a good chance your mate isn’t getting as much action as he brags about – singles reported having sex only once every two months on average. 

So don’t stress about your dry spell – seems no one is having too much sex!

But if you do want to up your success rate check out this video… 

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