5 Steps To Finding Love In 2020 | Men's Health Magazine Australia

5 Steps To Finding Love In 2020

Celebrating the new year attracts the desire to set new goals and endeavour to find new opportunities including finding love. As a matchmaker, I am presented with the same requests every new year to help people secure a genuine relationship. Singles are motivated and energetic, bringing their A-game to the dating scene, but where do you start? Here are my top 5 tips to make it easier to find love in 2020:

1. Be more active with online dating and apps.

I know they are time consuming, brutal and dismissive but that is the dating reality in today’s society we have to accept. Having patience to filter through the many “no’s” will eventually get you to your “yes please!” Consistency is key. You will get better at playing the game as you go, so don’t give up too soon, don’t take it personal and have fun!

2. Get certain on what you are looking for in a relationship

If you are serious about meeting someone, get clear on what a long-term relationship means to you. What does your ideal future relationship look like in your mind – marriage, kids? Start by recognising what you bring to the relationship and what you are looking for in a partner to compliment your qualities. Pay attention to what you are genuinely attracted to in a person, other than just looks. Identify what inspires you and makes you feel deeply connected.

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3. Stop ghosting and being Shallow Hal

Guys, quit asking girls for more photos, especially “full-body” images. That’s just in poor taste. Get romantic and turn up the chivalry instead. Ghosting is also lame, rude, and not cool. Be honest with someone. They will appreciate it much more. If you’ve been dating long enough, you should be able to handle rejection. Cast your ego aside.

4. Work on you first

The best thing you can do for your future romantic relationship is as much personal development on yourself as possible. Using your past experiences is a great way to determine what worked for you and what didn’t. What you need to change, and what can stay the same. It’s your measurable personal data you can use to define how to tweak and perfect your new year strategy to your advantage. Heal old relationship wounds that may be still lingering and let go of any past emotions that don’t serve your new purpose. Get fit and lose those extra kilo’s you’ve been ignoring and getting you down. Be the best version of you first, then look to share your amazing qualities with a like-minded person.

5. Get social – make new connections

Mrs Right isn’t going to knock on your door whilst you’re hibernating at home eating Uber Eats and watching Netflix. This is the best time of the year to be out and about meeting new people. Leaving the house promotes new opportunities, and romantic opportunities especially. Challenge yourself to join different groups or attend networking events. Take up a new sport or hobby that allows you to interact with a different group of people. Learn new skills from new people who can introduce you to other like-minded people.

I’m not going to sugar coat the fact that dating in general can be hard work, but it’s worth it once you find a connection. What’s important to remember is your love is your gift, so take time in choosing who to give it to this new year.

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