9 Women Share Exactly How They Initiate Sex | Men's Health Magazine Australia

9 Women Share Exactly How They Initiate Sex

There are a lot of ways to initiate the horizontal tango. Some more creative than most. But despite this, research shows the majority of women wind up using the same ol’ moves on repeat (coz, comfort zone). Here (via Reddit) 14 women share some X-rated inspo. Bedroom boredom, be gone. r/AskWomen – How do you initiate sex with your […]

There are a lot of ways to initiate the horizontal tango. Some more creative than most.

But despite this, research shows the majority of women wind up using the same ol’ moves on repeat (coz, comfort zone).

Here (via Reddit) 14 women share some X-rated inspo. Bedroom boredom, be gone.

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