Nick Jonas Is Back In The Gym, With This 3-Move Ab Workout | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Nick Jonas Is Back In The Gym, With This 3-Move Ab Workout

Nick Jonas is once again proving to be the fitness inspiration we never knew we needed, taking to Instagram yet again to share his tips on how he maintains some serious fighter muscle. Known first and foremost for his role in the 2000’s boy band The Jonas Brothers, Nick has emerged as a solid actor and singer in his own right. And while carving out his own successful solo career, he’s carved a decent set of abs and biceps. From his role as a fighter in Kingdom, to his turn as a helicopter pilot in the recent Jumanji reboot, Jonas has proved he’s a force to be reckoned with in the fitness world. He is close mates with The Rock after all…

Always keen to share the wisdom that has got him into shape, the professional Slashie (singer slash actor slash chef) shared his latest workout routine to his Instagram story this morning, demonstrating the 3-move routine he turns to when working his midline. Whilst abs are the most obvious and visible result of midline work, the routine makes sure to work the lower back and obliques as well.







Go for 5 rounds of Nick’s Midline Workout, with a 2 minute rest between each round:


Sandbag slams
10 each side


Kettlebell sumo deadlifts
12 reps


Hollow hold with flutter kick
45 seconds

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