Protein Goes Green | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Protein Goes Green

If you’re into protein supplements, you know there’s a lot of choice out there. You probably also know it can take some trial and error to find one that’s right for you. Some powders and tablets make big promises, but underdeliver on quality and performance – not to mention taste. Most are made with soy or whey protein and they can go down like a lead balloon, leaving you feeling bloated and heavy.

But here’s some good news you can get excited about: there’s a new player in the market that ticks all the boxes, for all the right reasons. It’s high-performance, it’s clean, it’s Australian made and grown, 100 per cent natural muscle fuel.  

Meet Australia’s first chlorella protein

This all-natural powder supplement is a game changer, with one of the highest concentration levels of digestible protein of any natural protein including animal meats, dairy products, plants, seeds and nuts. It’s an Australian-grown algae protein that’s rich in natural vegan protein and contains vital branch chain amino acids (BCAAs). It’s also low-carb and has an Australian five-star health rating.

Most importantly, Hyper Protein contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which is a unique property only found in chlorella.


What’s the deal with Chlorella Growth Factor?

Chlorella Growth Factor is a natural nucleotide-peptide complex found in the nucleus of the chlorella cell. CGF is produced during intense photosynthesis, which allows chlorella to grow so rapidly. Each cell multiplies into two new cells about every 20 hours, and the CGF promotes this rapid rate of reproduction.

Research shows that CGF promotes faster muscle growth without undesirable side effects and appears to improve RNA/DNA functions responsible for the production of proteins, enzymes and energy at the cellular level.

Five-star nutrition and flavour

With a five-star health rating and pure, organic, plant-based ingredients the list of what’s NOT in Chlorella Hyper Protein is telling, especially if you’re a vegan: non-GMO, soy free, gluten free and dairy free. It also comes in three great flavours (Natural, Mint, and Strawberries & Cream).

Hyper Protein comes in three delicious flavours: natural, mint and strawberries and cream


What makes BioGenesis Chlorella Hyper Protein truly unique is its key ingredient – algae protein, which is grown right here in our own backyard in the warm, pristine waters of the Great Barrier Reef. It is 100 per cent grown and produced in Australia, not just imported and packaged here, so consumers have the reassurance of knowing that it is authentically Australian.

“We couldn’t be happier that Australia now has its own chlorella. Our country has magnificent natural resources and the perfect climate to produce the world’s finest algae, with clean water, pure air and endless sunshine,” says Colin McGregor, co-founder and CEO of BioGenesis Australia.

Excited and after some inspiration? Men’s Health follower and actor and singer/songwriter, Barry Conrad, shares his favourite chlorella protein recipe that fuels his fitness and feeds his fast-paced agenda.

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