The Weird Side Effect of Smoking Too Much Weed | Men's Health Magazine Australia

The Weird Side Effect of Smoking Too Much Weed

Every day, an estimated 6,800 new peer-reviewed academic articles are published. That’s a whole lot of science to wade through – but don’t fret. We’ll do the legwork for you, each and every morning. Here’s your daily dose of the latest discoveries from journals, research institutions, and news outlets from around the world.


Beware the Barfs If You’re Smoking Weed

The number of visits to the emergency room have spiked dramatically for out-of-town residents in Colorado after pot became legal. Now, we know a little more about what might be contributing to the increase: something called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS – cases of which have doubled recently in the state, according to MedlinePlus. As a result of this syndrome, chronic, heavy pot users can experience chronic vomiting and abdominal pain so severe it sends them to the ER. The condition is notably more worse in the mornings with side effects such as nausea and loss of appetite. Strangely, taking hot showers can ease the symptoms, though experts don’t know why.


Blame Your Bad Boss

Your boss’s bad behavior might be rubbing off on you: People who work for bosses who display psychopathic or narcissistic behaviors are more likely to engage in undesirable, counterproductive activities at work, like wasting time, according to researchers from the University of Manchester’s Business School. Plus, they were more likely to be unsatisfied with their jobs—no surprise there—and also more likely to show signs of depression, too.


Help Others to Boost Your Own Brain

Spending your time volunteering might protect your brain as you age: Those who spent more time engaged in local community groups have better cognitive skills at age 50 than those who spend their time in other activities, according to a new study in BMC Psychology. The researchers believe volunteering may somehow spark neuroplasticity, or the ability of your brain to form new connections.


Drink to Your (Social) Health

Your weekly pub nights might be bringing you a benefit: Social drinkers tend to have more friends available to lend emotional support, a new review from the U.K. concludes. Alcohol may trigger the release of certain endorphins, which help to reinforce social bonds. It could protect your physical health, too – the lonelier you are, the more likely you are to suffer a heart attack or stroke. But don’t over-do it: Here are 6 Signs You Drink Too Much.

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