Here's What It's Like Filming a Sex Scene With Charlize Theron | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Here’s What It’s Like Filming a Sex Scene With Charlize Theron | Men’s Health Magazine Australia

Charlize Theron and actress Sofia Boutella have been making the rounds recently to promote their upcoming film Atomic Blonde, out July 28. In the movie, there’s a scene between the two that apparently gets pretty steamy, as you can see in the trailer below.

Unsurprisingly, Theron and Boutella have been asked some questions about the moment while on the press circuit. For her part, Theron was game to talk up the scene, and commended Boutella for her naturalness during its execution.

“I can’t imagine anyone else doing it,” she told Entertainment Tonight Canada. “She’s a dancer, I’m a dancer. So, we’re a little bit like – you know dancers are like, ‘What? Being naked is nothing.’ We just wanted it to be real and cool.”

And, the other day, Boutella returned the compliment by shedding some light on what the experience was like for her.

“I was really nervous at first, but she made it so easy for me,” Boutella told Yahoo Movies. “Honestly, she made me very comfortable. She’s just so good at it. She’s gorgeous, so that wasn’t too hard.”

Should her praise really be much of a shock? You can watch the full interview below.

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