Redundancy can happen at any time and at any age. It’s often an upsetting and challenging experience brought about by something beyond your control. The experience can have ongoing psychological impacts that dent your confidence, be demoralising and create self-doubt.
Losing you job can feel like losing your identity, purpose and value and it takes resilience, grit, time, support and planning to help you get through the challenge and to bounce back.
Here are some tips to help you reshape your career and prepare yourself for life after a job loss.
1. Manage Your Finances
Get guidance before committing to any financial decision.
Plan to use your finances wisely. Work out a best and worse-case scenario to understand the ramifications each option has for you.
For those facing financial hardship seek information and support through your relevant government agency.
2. Understand The Value Of Your Skills
Spend time outlining your skill set and capabilities.
Look at the job market or speak to recruitment agencies to see what industries and roles are compatible to your skills.
3. Create A Plan
Write down a plan of action to act as a guide as to what to do when. i.e. write up your resume, contact your networks, join online recruitment platforms etc.
Look after yourself by maintaining your social circle, eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising.
Look for opportunities that stimulate you such as learning new things or doing the things your passionate about.
Be realistic and acknowledge that some days will feel good and others not so good and that’s a normal experience.
5. Be Open To New Challenges and Opportunities
Your next job may not be like the one you’ve just left. When job hunting, be open to the possibility that your skills can be transferable across many industry sectors.
Look to up skill your current skills or develop new ones.
6. Maintain A Routine
Given that your old routine of going to work is no longer an option for you its important to develop a new routine and new possibilities. You may want to have a break for a while but ensure that you plan out a new routine that you can easily stick to. Your new routine should have a clear purpose and that purpose is to create a new job – by building networks, talking to recruitment agencies, up skilling yourself, polishing up your resume or working on your job interview skills.
7. Seek Professional Help
If you are offered outplacement or career counselling as part of your redundancy then take it. Seek the independent advice of those with the knowledge and information on current job markets. They can also assist and advise you with the transition process and how to position yourself when looking for new roles.
Acknowledging how you feel. Feelings of anger, loss, frustration, sadness etc are all normal feelings that people experience and although they may initially help you to deal with the situation at some point you will need to move on. Accept that this was out of your control and is not a reflection on you personally. If need be seek support to assist you to move from a pessimistic approach to one that is more optimistic.
9. Understand What You Are Entitled To
Be across what you’re entitled to and the period of time your notice period is.
If need be seek professional advice to what you are being asked to sign so you are clear that there are no hidden surprises.
10. Update your CV and Promote Yourself
This is your number one marketing tool that will grab the attention of recruiters. It needs to be succinct, punchy and highlight your skills and achievements. Spend time polishing it up or seek help from a professional CV writer.
Promote yourself through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook etc
Upload your CV to recruitment agencies websites and keep following them up to get an update on any developments.
Meet with recruitment agencies where ever possible.
The time during and directly after a redundancy redundancy is never easy and can be a very stressful situation. By following these tips you can prepare yourself to start taking back some control of your life and look forward to the future.