Women Absolutely Hate It When You Use These Emojis | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Women Absolutely Hate It When You Use These Emojis

Online dating is tough. First you have to build a profile that lets her know you aren’t a serial killer, which is trickier than you might think if you aren’t that attractive.

Secondly, she has to find you attractive. If she was passing you on the street and the two of you made eye contact, sure, sure might think you’re alright-looking. But on dating apps like Tinder where she’s getting dozens of matches and hundreds of messages a day, you’re up against a bunch of other guys also vying for her attention.

If you’ve managed to get this far and are about to send the first message, what you say now is make or break. You know how people say first impressions count? Yeah, they’re right – especially for online dating. You can have the most impressive six-pack in a 100 kilometre radius, but if your first message blows, she’s not going to respond.

But thankfully the team over at the dating app Clover have put together an infographic made up of data from over 3 million users and made some plans to help you shape your next opening message. 

They’ve discovered which emojis men and women are most likely to respond to, and the ones people are most likely to ignore. 

Based off this information, if you want a reply you have to do the exact opposite of what you’re probably currently doing. That means no eggplants, flexed biceps or fist bumps – women don’t want to know how alpha your texting game is.

Instead, give her a smiley face followed by some suggestive droplets on a tongue. They’re sure to get her motor running. But what about men?


As you can see, men are most likely to respond to women who use emojis that show even the slightest bit of interest. That can be anything from a happy face, heart eyes, a smirking face and that stupid monkey every girl loves. Women can even use the weary face and say, “I swiped you right by accident,” and guys will still respond. They’re only playing hard to get, right?

Unsurprisingly, the emojis men hate? The wedding ring, the pile of poo and the crying face. Apparently guys these days don’t have time for girls who use the Vulcan Salute, either. 

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