The Workout Behind Osher Guünsberg's Amazing Transformation | Men's Health Magazine Australia

The Workout Behind Osher Günsberg’s Transformation

MH Fitness Director Chief Brabon subjected Gnsberg to his signature DARC (Dynamic Aerobic Resistance Conditioning) workout system, which pairs weights moves with high intensity cardio. Alternate these circuits five days a week to stack on muscle while shredding fat



KETTLEBELL FLOW x 3 Reps on each side

1. Lie on your back with the KB on the floor to your right. Roll over and clasp the KB then roll back, resting it against your right pec. Do
Chest Press: punch the KB above your chest, then lower back down.

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2. Turkish Get-uppunch the KB straight up, and drive up onto your left elbow. Complete the get-up motion, finishing in the standing position, the KB above your shoulder.

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3. Complete one Swing Snatch: swing the KB down and back between your thighs then back to the top.

4. Next, drop into a squat with the KB above your shoulder. Do one Sots Press: lower KB to your shoulder, then punch it back up to the top. Drive back up to the standing position. Reverse the Turkish Get-up to finish.

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KETTLEBELL SWING SNATCHES x 4 sets x 30sec work to 15sec rest

See above for instructions. (Switch hands after each set).

SINGLE-HANDED KETTLEBELL SWINGS x 4 sets x 30sec work to 15sec rest

In a standing position hold a kettlebell between your legs with your right hand. Driving from your hips, hoist the kettlebell until it’s parallel to the floor then swing back between your legs. (Switch hands after each set).



LANDMINE FLOW x 3 reps each side

1. Face away from the landmine base, gripping the end in your left hand. Do a single Bent-over Row: drive your elbow back as far as you can before lowering bar.

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2. Snatch the bar up, turning on the balls of your feet until you’re facing the landmine base. Step forward with your right foot so your feet are side by side.

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3. Next, do a Split-leg Thruster: step back with your left leg, then lower into a split-squat position while lowering the bar to your left shoulder. Now, drive down hard through your right heel and punch the bar back up until you’re standing again with the end of the bar up above you.

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3. Finally, lower the bar back to your left shoulder, turn your body away from the landmine base and gently lower it back to the starting position.

BATTLING ROPE CORKSCREWS x 3 sets x 20sec work to 10sec rest

In a quarter-squat position, whip the ropes in an outwards fashion to create a corkscrew motion.

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BATTLING ROPE ALTERNATING WAVES x 3 sets x 20sec work to 10sec rest

With a rope in each hand, sit into a quarter squat. Now alternately create a wave in each rope by whipping them upwards with a focus on your biceps and forearms.

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