How To Check Your Own Nuts For Testicular Cancer At Home | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Know Thy Nuts, It May Just Save Your Life

While testicular cancer is the second most common cancer among young men aged between 20-35 according to the Cancer Council, a shockingly low number of us are doing regular checks of balls for any irregularities. If this is you, you are definitely in the majority, as it turns out that most of us don’t even know how, let alone what we’re looking for.

Thanks to Movember Foundations research into our health checking habits, it’s been revealed that a shocking 70 per cent of men are not regularly checking their nuts for irregularities.

There are over 800 testicular cancer diagnoses every year, with a 50 per cent rise in their occurrence over the past 30 years. Basically… it’s a huge threat to men’s health, and should be a critical issue we know how to easily identify.

“The majority of men who self-check will have nothing to worry about,” says Charlotte Webb, Country Director at the Movember Foundation. “But we want men to know their nuts because those who check their testicles often and go to a doctor when something doesn’t feel right are usually left in good standing. We want men to take action for their health to live happier, healthier, longer lives.”

And seeing as April is officially Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, what better opportunity to learn how to check your nuts, and grab your health by the balls!


To find out what normal feels like for you, try out the Movember Foundation’s guide to checking your nuts:

  1. Get steamy. A warm shower will put your nuts in the mood.
  2. Roll one nut between thumb and fingers to get to know what’s normal.
  3. Repeat with the other nut.

If you notice a change in size or shape, a lump that wasn’t there before, or if they become painful to touch, see a doctor. Don’t panic, but do get it checked out.

“With testicular cancer, it really is so important to understand what feels normal for you and to go see a doctor if something changes. Most of the time, testicular cancer presents as a lump or pain in the testicle, an increase in size or change in the way a testicle feels,” says Sam Gledhill, Global Director Testicular Cancer at the Movember Foundation. “An action as simple as knowing what feels normal and getting some medical advice if things change can, quite literally, save lives.”

For those men who do find themselves with potential testicular problems, the Movember Foundation is launching TrueNTH Testicular Cancer, an online resource that provides information tailored to the needs of men at different stages of the disease, and connects them with a community to chat with other men who have been diagnosed.

To access the TrueNTH Testicular Cancer resources, visit:
For more information on Movember’s work in testicular cancer, visit:

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