How To Do The Double Under Correctly | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Double Your Fat Burn By Learning The Double-Under Correctly

Send your cardio health and weight loss soaring with a move you can do almost anywhere. The double-under – spinning a rope twice per jump – is the zenith of skipping. Let’s get to grips with it.

1. POWER JUMP (3 sets of 10 reps)

First, work on the jump emptyhanded. Without learning to go higher and stronger, you won’t be able to spin the rope twice on each bound consistently. With your hands down by your sides (A), “pogo” by bouncing up and down with straight legs (B). Keep your head up and your core tight.

Power Jump

Philip Haynes

2. SINGLE-UNDER (3 sets of max reps)

Next, grab your rope (A) and practise single-unders – regular skipping. Your aim is to rotate only at your wrists, so keep your chest and head up and your elbows close to your body. Your bounces should be small, with your feet pressed together (B). Try to beat your rep count each time.

Single Under

Philip Haynes

3. BIG SINGLE (3 sets of 10-15 reps)

Get ready for something a little trickier (A). Put the first two moves together by combining power jumps with one pass of the rope and good spinning form (B). Resist the urge to go faster. The rope speed will feel too slow, but the longer you have, the easier it will be to hit your first double turn when the time comes. Perform 10-15 reps. Stop and repeat.

Big Single

Philip Haynes

4. PENGUIN JUMP (3 sets of 10 reps)

Finally, accustom yourself to the rhythm and sound of the double-under. Drop the rope and pogo up and down, as with the power jumps, but this time with your hands out to the side (A). At the top of each jump (B), tap your hands twice to make a “slap-slap” noise. You should look – and feel – like a penguin. Trust us, this is a crucial part of your march to progress.

Penguin Jump

Philip Haynes


With all the requisite skills in place, now you can really start spinning. Practise on alternate days to give your calves and glutes a break – they’ll need it. Find the rhythm and you’ll be knocking out hundreds in no time.

Phase 1

Start right Begin your jump with your feet together and your back straight. Keep your arms as close to your body as possible. If they move too far away, you’ll not only fatigue quicker, but it will shorten the arc of the rope, making it more likely that you’ll trip up.

Phase 2

Bounce back Resist the urge to bend your knees as you jump. Instead, make sure your legs are straight and directly beneath you. The elasticity of your muscles and tendons will help you bounce more efficiently.

Phase 3

Wrist factor Now, use a fast “flick-flick” of your wrists to spin the rope twice. Time it with the first upward motion of your jump, to allow plenty of time for both rotations. Land on the balls of your feet and bounce up again. And again. And again. And again.

Double Unders

Philip Haynes

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