5 Men on the Best One Night Stands They've Ever Had | Men's Health Magazine Australia

5 Men on the Best One Night Stands They’ve Ever Had

When sharing our one night stand stories, we tend to go for the bad, messy, or funny moments. Everyone has had their share of awkward and uncomfortable hook-ups, and it can be nice to bond over those weird nights. But sometimes we get so focused on when things go wrong, we forget to remember the encounters that are awesome.

Spending one amazing night with someone you’ve just met can be such a release. The great thing about a one night stand is how it just exists in that one time. You feel free to experience the moment, knowing no future meeting will ever taint it.

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Maybe you’ve been nervous to have a one night stand, worrying about what it would be like to sleep with someone you just met. Looking for some encouragement before your next spontaneous hookup? Check out these guys’ stories of their best one night stands.

1. She Made Him Feel at Home

“I had been chatting to this girl on Tinder when I was visiting Brisbane for a few days before flying to Melbourne. She randomly text me as I was out walking in the evening asking if I wanted to come over so I said yes. She picked me up in an Uber and we grabbed a few beers and chilled at hers. Turns out ‘hers’ is actually her cousins and his wife’s. They have four dogs so I got to chill with them, the girl and some beer—was awesome. Went back to her room, as it was getting late, and all the good bits happened. The next morning I end up sitting in the dining room with the girl, 4 dogs and the cousin and his wife eating a full English breakfast they made specially for me (I’m from England originally)—a nice little bit of home away from home.” —Mike, 24

2. She Picked Him Up in a Hotel Lobby

“My best one night stand also includes my favorite pick up line. I was on the road, and an amazing girl walked up to me in the hotel lobby (with her three friends behind her watching her hit on me all excited and giggling) and starts up conversation. I wasn’t even thinking about sex or anything at the time, so it didn’t really register to me what was going on until she says, ‘I’ve always wondered what the rooms look like in this hotel.’ Even then it took me a few seconds and then the lightbulb went off and in my head I was like, Oh, so that’s what’s going on right now. Stellar line. Needless to say with a creative personality like that, the rest of the night was fun. Really fun. Hmmm, I wonder what that girl is doing now?” —Anand, 43

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3. They Were Together in the Middle of Nowhere

“I was on an island in Vietnam for three days with no reception. Everyone was canoeing, swimming, and then drinking at night. I was dancing to this DJ and didn’t know where my friends were when I met this Irish girl. We went skinny dipping and as we moved algae glowed in the water. It was so cool. We moved to secluded chairs on the beach after that. Then the next day we left the island and I never saw her again. Such a memorable night.” —Thomas, 21

4. An Amazing Night Following by an Amazing Breakfast

“I met a girl at a bar and we want back to my place, had an amazing night and when I woke up she had made an amazing breakfast (restaurant-quality) and then I left and I never saw her again.” —John, 28

5. He Needed it to Move on

“At 20 I had just gotten out of a multi-year relationship with my high school sweetheart. I hadn’t really figured out how to date as an adult yet, so I hadn’t had sex in over nine months. A friend’s band needed a fill-in bass player for a mini-tour of California. I invited a high school friend to our show in Oakland. She came and brought a friend. Not thinking I had any chance with her, I was completely loose. We went out dancing after the show and had a blast. She and I danced up on a pedestal together. We were cracking each other up with jokes all night and clearly had a connection, but I thought we were just having fun.

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“Next thing I know, we’re making out in a car while being driven home. We hooked up that night and again in the morning. While the band went sightseeing during the day, we basically pretended like we were in a relationship. We made a nice breakfast together and did homework together (we were both in college). I treasure the day we spent together. We were so comfortable and relaxed together, the sex was amazing, and the whole experience was just what I needed to get my confidence back.” —Jason, 35

This article originally appeared on Men’s Health

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