Job Interview Clothes: What to Wear to a Job Interview? | Men's Health Magazine Australia

What Should You Wear To A Job Interview?

You’ve applied for your dream role and been lucky enough to get an interview. But the hardest part is only just beginning. The impression you leave in the first thirty seconds will change everything. It’s not just what comes out of your mouth but what you wear to your job interview. 

“You will be judged within the first three seconds of walking into that interview, so always overdress,” explains THE ICONIC Head of Menswear, Tom Simpson.

“I have interviewed hundreds of people over the years and I have never once sat back after the interview and given feedback that the person dressed too smart.”

While it’s easy to tell you to overdress, that’s probably not going to cut the mustard. 

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“A few things to consider when thinking about what to wear are what industry is the role in, who is interviewing you and how senior is the position,” continues Simpson.

“As a general rule of thumb, you can’t go wrong with a pair of formal trousers and a shirt.”

Don’t Peacock

No flashy colours or over-the-top patterns.

“The main things to avoid is anything that will distract your interviewer for the wrong reasons. It’s a big no to garish colours and gimmicky items of any kind,” advises Simpson.  


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Know your industry

If you’re applying for a corporate position, you won’t be able to skip the jacket, If you’re in a creative field, you’ll probably give the tie a miss. The important lesson? Know the industry.

“If it’s a banking job, make sure you are in the cleanest, sharpest suit you can afford.

“On the flipside, if you are coming to interview to work for me at THE ICONIC, then I will be looking at what you wear very carefully. As a style orientated role, I will be looking at how that person decided to put those items together. It will tell me everything I need to know before I even ask a question!

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“The way you present yourself always changes depending on the industry you are interviewing for.”

Pick the right accessories if you want to stand out

We mentioned previously that you should avoid peacocking. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take subtle approaches to stand out. Use accessories to gain the upper hand.

“You can make sure you stand out in very subtle ways, whether it’s the the watch you’re wearing, the bag you’re carrying or even how well you have done your hair Accessories are key here. Get them right and you leave a great lasting impression.”

Man with watch

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Arrive early

Rocking up late is never a good look. But rocking up early? No one’s ever complained. This will give you a great opportunity to check your attire is on point. 

“Make sure to turn up early and take yourself to the bathroom to check yourself over and ensure it’s your best self your presenting,” concludes Simpson.

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